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Covid-19 Relaxing Lockdown

Writer's picture: Victoria Victoria

On May 10th Boris Johnson announced the new guidelines to ease the country out of Lockdown and move into the next phase. He said "This is not the time simply to end the lockdown this week. Instead we are taking the first careful steps to modify our measures."

We all should still stay at home as much as possible but, can now exercise more freely and we are slowly working our way towards the new normal.

As restrictions are gradually lifted we are going to be reintroducing our usual registration policy. We will begin to hold interviews in person. To comply with social distancing and guidelines these will be held outside maintaining distance, as long as both parties are symptom free and will be weather dependent! This is of course a changeable policy according to any Government updates that may arise.

For Nannies who are working it is advised that yourself and your Employer complete a Covid-19 risk assessment. You should also follow some sensible steps which we have listed below. Employers have a duty to assess and manage risk in the workplace.

  • Walk, cycle or drive to work

  • Avoid public transport

  • Keep your hands and face clean

  • Keep your distance from people outside your household, recognising this will not always be possible. You are very unlikely to be infected if you walk past another person in the street. Keep any contact at a minimum and side by side not face to face.

  • Reduce the number of people you spend time with in a work setting.

  • Wash your clothes regularly

  • Keep indoor spaces well ventilated.

We are as always available to help Families and Nannies negotiate their way through these unprecedented times.

Please get in touch if you have any questions.

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